Drunk On Destruction | Mark Lanegan | Supertesti.it

Drunk On Destruction

Testo Drunk On Destruction

Drunk on destruction
Feel I‘m fading away
Drunk, drunk on destruction
Feel I‘m fading away

Death is my due
How I never wondered
Turning the screw
Into the dirt
And now I‘m going under
A silver haze bleeds from the sun
I am the target and the gun

This flawed construction
Feel I‘m fading away
Drunk on destruction
Feel I‘m fading away
La la la la la la

Blackout the day
And every constellation
The driving rain has come to drown
All illumination
A sip of bitterness at first
Becomes unending with its thirst

Drunk on destruction
Feel, I feel I‘m fading away
Drunk, drunk on destruction
Feel I‘m fading away

Death is my due
How I never wondered

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